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The more people who pledge to support a diversified foreign policy in the Greater Middle East, the more room political parties and candidates will have to move away from the harmful foreign policy that has led us to genocide in Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh), in Palestine, and in Sudan, among other places.
Please share the pledge with your family, friends, neighbors and wider community! There is power in numbers!
Pledge to Support a New Foreign Policy in the 2024 Election
In the 2024 presidential election, I pledge to support the candidates and the party that commit to a diversified and human-centered foreign policy, one that actively strives to balance power in the Greater Middle East and does not encourage, support, or reward expansionist goals by regional powers.
Foreign policy independence will give US leaders the space needed to create greater equity between states, deal fairly with multiple partners, encourage comity within the region, respect state and community sovereignty, and avoid being beholden to the current small group of allies. The U.S. has granted these allies impunity, which they have used to expansionist projects resulting in mass atrocity, including genocide. The current situation served neither America's national security interests nor the American people.
I join other Americans in calling for a country that hews to its core values at home and abroad, that respects US and international law, and that supports the cultural, political, and economic sovereignty of nations and groups.
In the 21st century, the U.S. must move beyond imperial and colonial paradigms. It is the only way to remain competitive, ensure strength and prosperity, and contribute positively to humanity.​​​​